This is the story of adopting my second daughter from China. I grew up with two sisters. I always told people that God knew I was going to need more than one, so he gave me two. I want my daughter to have the same opportunities of knowing the love and bond between sisters.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Can you get the number of that truck that just ran over me?
My surgery to repair my LARGE hiatal hernia was to begin at 2:25 p.m. on Monday. It was difficult to prepare the girls breakfast, lunch, and send them off to school, knowing I would not be home when they returned. We went over the details again to be sure everyone knew the plan.
I took advantage of the time doing a few loads of laundry, washing dishes, all those things I knew I could not for a while afterward. Plus tried to get caught up on emails from work trying to avoid leaving too many things hanging. I hate to leave my co-workers with more than they usually have, but know they can handle ANYTHING that comes and usually ANYTHING and his cousin EVERYTHING happens the minute I leave.
I packed my bag and went get Mom and Dad to go to the hospital.
OOPS!!! They were just sitting down to some lunch. Of course you know the drill, nothing to eat or sleep after midnight the day before, so sitting and watching someone eat did not seem like fun so Dad dropped me off in the circular drive.
When you have a LONG and COMPLICATED medical history, but are as healthy as I am, it takes a LONG time to get everything written down, and you worry that if you leave out one detail that might be the one thing the doctor really needed to know!
One of the funniest things was the need to do a pregnancy test! I got charged for one for Annabel before her surgery too, but knew she did not pee in the cup.
I went into OR very apprehensive, but within seconds of something in my IV, I know longer cared.
Unknown to me the surgery ended up much more complicated than he had anticipated and instead of 1 hour, it took 3, which then caused 3 hours of recovery. The hernia had caused the stomach to push up into my chest and twist around the esophagus and everything else that stays in that area was all entangled and nothing where it was supposed to be.
All I know was that i woke up in recovery in that state of panic that I always do but they started trying to explain that everything was late and that Dad and the girls were going home.
I looked up and could see the girls waving, Grace with these huge tears running down her cheeks, and Mom telling me to say bye and wave back. I don't remember anything from there, all though Mom tried her best to make me understand that it was very late and she was staying with me and Dad would take care of the girls.
I just knew I needed pain medicine because someone had driven a Mac Diesel through my chest!
Sometime later I asked again where were the girls? Mom said that Dad took them home. I thought I was surely hallucinating, learning that my Dad took my 2 little princesses home, fed them, got them ready for bed, heard their prayers and then started the whole routine over again the next day, which is really the more complicated side of the equation.
I'm not sure how many times I asked that because the whole idea seemed so bizarre! Not that I don't think Dad could do it, just has been a while since he did. Usually when Mom went to have a baby, Dad would load us up and go make a big purchase like a stereo while Mom was left at the hospital with their other new bundle of joy.
Tuesday morning he was woken up when Grace probably did like she does to me and hoovers over me while I am sleeping and begins a conversation in the middle of a thought and seems surprised that you are still asleep! Then Annabel will wonder in asking what the weather is like and that she is hungry! So it is a quick trip through the kitchen to prepare their expected breakfast, help with sacking up lunches, signing important papers, ensuring that everyone brushed their teeth and left with an appropriate outer garment and their backpack.
By the time Dad got up to the hospital, I'm not sure who was the most tired, Dad with the 2 girls, or Mom who was up and down with me ALL night. But they escaped to breakfast, some errands, and hopefully a nap. The doctor came late in the afternoon and decided I could go home. But shortly after he left, then my fever went up, blood pressure went sky high, and the pain became unbearable. Calls were made and the doctor decided I had to stay another night, which threw everyone into Plan C mode and Dad once more took the girls home, prepared dinner, oversaw showers, hair drying, dessert, etc. It was a rough night for Mom and I too, but we had some support on our end.
Discharge could not come too soon on Wednesday but knew I had to be home when the girls got there.
While I thought I had good care in the hospital, I had not been the recipient of my daughters' caregiving! Boy you want to be sure on your feet if you mention needing to go to the bathroom around Annabel, because she gets you under the arm and you are there QUICKLY, stays with you, and even prepares your toilet paper for you. Now that is full service!
We stayed at Mom and Dad's so if there were any problems, the girls would not be on their own.
I know there was a lot that happened in the next few days but when you are consisting on just liquids, clear liquids at that and pain pills, things just kind of blur.
I remember getting to spend some time on my deck in my wonderful new chaise lounge, viewing my new lemon and lime trees.
But with the time to think I realized what Mom and Dad do to make sure their visitors don't stay too long: they keep the temperature at 85 degrees! Even if it is 90 degrees outside.
So here it is Saturday night, I've broken all the rules that the doctor laid down, and feeling it. I was supposed to move to soft food this weekend. What I thought would be good is telling me now that maybe mashed potatoes would have been better.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A splendid weekend!
I love my Blackberry Curve so I can get emails without sitting down in front of the computer because then I learn about fun things even at the last minute.
This happened Saturday morning.
While we were glad to have the whole day ahead of us, it just seemed like we needed a good activity out of the house too. I got an email about a quilt making class at the Ice House Cultural Center, right in the neighborhood. When I called about the class I was told it was full, but being someone who plans this type of class all the time, I know there are usually a few who do not show up.
The girls greeted the idea eagerly, even Annabel, who I am going to guess, really did not know what a quilt was before Saturday. She liked the idea of cutting and sewing.
The girls have been fortunate to have a great art teacher at Rosemont who has introduced them to LOTS of great mediums including sewing.
When we arrived at the Ice House only 1 person had showed up for the class so we were guaranteed a place! Yippee! I thought I would just observe, but they had the most gorgeous display of some fantastic quilts and I got motivated.
My sewing skills earned me a C on an a-line skirt that took 12 weeks to make in homemaking in high school, so I have never done much sewing since.
But the instructors made this look easy and we were doing free form, so we could do it however we wanted. They had all the supplies and while some labored on selecting just the right fabrics others chose quickly and got started cutting out squares. The instructors commented on how different the girls are and it was so evident in doing something like this, Grace chose each piece of fabric so carefully, drew each square, and cut with deliberation. When she sewed it was at a slow steady pace.
Annabel and I figured out that as long as it had a right angle then it did not matter if it was exact and we whizzed through our sewing like we were in a race.
After 2 hours we still weren't finished but our projects had grown from a planned 10" x 10" square for a cushion cover and ended being the size of a king size bed. We didn't care and were proud of our accomplishments.
We went with Mom and Dad to Lowes to find a replacement for my chaise lounge and enough dirt to plant my new trees and attempts at vegetables. Mom and the girls always like to go to the dollar store while Dad and I like to go to Lowes. I let the girls take some money to spend and they were SO excited about the possibility of buying treasures at the dollar store.
We finished off our great day with dinner at CiCi's. Thanks Mom!
Today proved an even more glorious day with the weather just right.
After church the girls and I went to Tom Thumb to make sure we had enough for their lunches and other special things for the coming week. I don't know how we can go in there with a short list and spend $75!
After lunch the girls helped me with planting my Lemon and Lime trees and my potatoes, onions, garlic, and ginger. I think Dad giggled over the way I was planning to do this but it will be great fun if any of it comes up!
Facing surgery tomorrow has made for lots of last minute details that I think have to be completed! When we used to go to Colorado each summer and as everyone else was packed and ready to go, we had one uncle who insisted on so many last minute details like watering the plants, sweeping out the car, and who knows what else, that the rest of us just had to sit and wait until he was ready.
I feel like I have done the same thing, trying to take care of such important things like planting my potatoes that probably won't grown and washing the girls' coats. None of the things I felt like I HAD to get done were really that important, but some of the things off my mind that have been bothering me. The surgery is not until 2:25, but as usual, nothing to eat or drink after midnight tonight, so I am trying to make sure that I don't wither away in the morning.
Tonight Annabel prayed that my surgery would make me OK, Grace prayed that she would be OK, and then that I would be OK. I love it.
Friday, February 20, 2009
You little pig
It seems that no matter what she did someone found a reason to tease or make fun of her at school.
Here at the end of the week after all my coaching, she admitted today that when one girl pushed too far, she told her to shut up. I told her I understood and sometimes you do get really angry but it wasn't the best way to handle it. Then she said, I think you might be mad though because I said the other word too.
The other word?
What other word besides "shut up"?
I know when I first adopted Grace, Gillian and Darcey taught her that the "sh" word was "shut up". There are lots of other words that start with "sh" that I could think of that were a lot worse.
Annabel finally admitted that she told the girl, "Shut up little pig", which is what the same girl had said to her earlier in the week.
I think for now the lesson is lost especially when I had to stifle a laugh at the expression she chose to tell someone off with.
Last night after piano I planned for us to go out to eat Chinese food, but remembered a new Mexican food restaurant had opened in the neighborhood. Just a couple of months ago, Annabel would have fought against that idea.
This time, she was all for it, but Grace did not want to go.
Two against one since I love Mexican food!!!
Annabel took the bowl of chips and the bowl of hot sauce and started chowing down! She ate almost all of the chips and hot sauce and was ready for dinner. I can barely dip my chip into the hot sauce whereas she is scooping it up and piling it on each chip.
The place is known for their chicken soup but I gave them the choice of soup or stew, or guiso de res or guiso de puerco.
I have never seen a person eat a dish so quickly as Grace, especially for someone who did not want Mexican food! They loved their guiso, except Annabel doesn't think she likes their rice. We're glad she now understands that the chocolate is actually refried beans.
I had promised Annabel that we would go back to the Chinese church this weekend but last night she was asking if we HAD to go. Of course not, but I did wonder why. Ms. Wu had told her it was the last day before her parents returned to Hong Kong and they were planning a "special" service at church. Annabel understood that the service would be especially long and I think that had something to do with it, but I really think she just wanted the safety and security of going to church with her Grandmother and Grandfather.
I am scheduled to have surgery Monday so I am glad not to have too much planned for this weekend, except getting me a new chaise lounge to recover on.
One last thing - We missed the premiere of the latest Disney movie on Monday so Grace and Annabel had planned all week that Friday night we would watch the repeat. Annabel told Mom that she needed a nap because they had 3 movies they were going to watch tonight. NOT ON MY WATCH they won't be seeing 3 movies tonight.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Turn the other cheek
It seems that she is the recipient of mean and rude remarks, as well as taunting and teasing about everything from how she talks, the fact she is Chinese, the food she chooses to eat, and I guess just about everything else.
Grace chimed in that she too continues to have people making fun, starting fights, and overall making her life miserable at times.
The more specific they got in what is being said, the madder I got. I was ready to storm off to school this morning and fight their battles for them, or maybe wrap them in bubble wrap to protect them, or tell them mean things to say back.
It seems that a lot of the derision is said in Spanish and then causes everyone to erupt in laughter.
Like I said, I was so angry, so my initial suggestions won't be recorded. No need to focus on the negative and I was VERY negative.
After they went to sleep, I stewed on this for a long time. A LONG time! I knew that I was seeing just one side of the situation and know that Annabel can be pretty good at taking care of herself, but still needed to find a way to help them through this situation that was appropriate not just for elementary school but for life. Now I am not the best to be giving advice on something like this, but have learned that just because someone is unhappy with themselves, does not mean they can make me dissatisfied with myself.
So this morning we talked about it again.
I explained that a lot of times when someone says something mean, it can usually suggest that they are very unhappy, jealous, or a lot of other things causing them to lash out at others.
I suggested instead of trying to find a way to "get even" we need to pray for them, for whatever is causing them to react the way they do. We need to follow Jesus' teaching that if someone strikes us on one cheek, we turn the other to him also. Hard concept and Annabel was listening closely.
I suggested we start with practicing this at home and only say nice things to each other, getting into the habit of thinking the best. Shoot, I guess that means I have to be nice too. Just kidding.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Who planned this?
I've heard recently that to make God laugh, make plans.
So yesterday afternoon I'm talking to dad about something relatively unimportant when he casually mentions that they had had a rather tough day.
It took a while to get the details out, but seems that they were in the parking lot of the local Wal Mart when a woman was looking down, rather than the crowd she was headed into, and hit mom and Mom landed on her hood.
Of course Mom's big concern was not hurting the woman who hit her feelings.
Annabel and Grace sprang into action as nurse and caretaker providing ice packs, cold drinks, and wet washcloths. I prepared dinner and had to fight with mom the whole time trying to keep her still.
After considerable badgering from one of their children, Mom and Dad finally broke down and went to the ER to have Mom checked out.
The doctor was shocked and glad to announce that nothing was broken. He could not believe that mom had ended up on the hood of a car with only deep tissue bruising, sprains, and strains.
A prescription of "taking it easy" is a waste but I know mom didn't feel too good since she let me good dinner again.
The girls had been given a math assignment almost a month ago, so thankfully they waited until tonight to get started, the night before it was due! So while I am trying to fry chicken, then I am explaining to Annabel what we are doing and why.
The assignment was to record the amount of time it took to melt an ice cube, prepare a chart/graph of the variations, and draw your conclusions from your hypothesis. Again, pretty difficult to explain, so I had Annabel dictate to me what she wanted to say about the experiment. I think we need a lot more time on the reading and translating end of learning a new language.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A funny from Dad!
My mom, my aunt, and 6 of the kids.
Mike, Becky, Kathy (looking for sharks), Lisa, me.
Auntie Dora is on the left and Mom is on the right.
I am the only one standing and facing the camera with
her tummy sticking out and the beautiful haircut done by placing a bowl on your head.



From left to right is Kathy, Mike (in the back), Kathy, and Lisa.
I was probably off eating something!
Mom dropped us off at their house on her way to the hospital to have each of my younger siblings. I remember jumping out of the car with no long goodbyes. I didn't know she wasn't coming back soon and when she did she would come back with another kid!
My cousin, Dubby, is a lot younger than me, NOT!!! He is only 2 weeks younger but you would think it was 20 years. Kathy and Lisa were the same age. Becky and Mike were older and gave us a glimpse of what being a teenager in the 60's was like. Becky provided me with a picture of Elvis which was highly treasured. I think she had every Tiger Beat printed so there were plenty of Fabian, Elvis, and all the others on her wall. Mike taught us about Vespas and then hot rods. I'll never forget the time that the cops stopped him when he left the motor running so he could run into a store. They thought he was going to rob it. He knew if he killed the motor it would not start again.
With a cousin like Dubby in your class, you could be guaranteed that someone would fight your battles for you even if it was against another girl! Dubby also taught me to be resourceful and when we wanted a popsicle, we would scour the neighborhoods for discarded bottles to redeem for their deposit. If we couldn't find enough, then Mrs. Moore, the owner of the store, would be sure she split it evenly between us.
I'm still banned from traveling through the alleys though because we were caught riding our bikes through them. My girls think that is hysterical that I won't even venture into the same alleys. I mind my mother very well!!
Dubby and I shared everything including going to the bathroom together, which provided our current names for male and female anatomy. So when Darcey was injured the other day, I had to explain the facts of life using these very incorrect anatomical terms. Annabel comments on Ollie, the dog's, frequently now with the new terms. I am sure I should correct them, but I actually believed you had a bottomend, since that was what my mom called it.
As we grew up then we all started going different directions.
While Gillian and Darcey lived so close, it brought back memories of how we grew up with cousins just around the corner.
Soon after Lisa, Gillian, and Darcey arrived Saturday, our cousins Becky and Kathy and Kathy's granddaughter, Audrey came for a visit. I cannot believe Kathy is old enough for grandkids, but at least she finally got her a girl. Kathy and Becky both have 2 sons, so they missed the fun of buying girly girl things for their kids. But what a cutie she has.

Grace holding Audrey.
I know it is grainy but I took it with my phone and the sun was streaming in behind them.
We enjoyed our visit and catching up and getting to know Audrey.
Lisa needed to do some Valentine's Day shopping for her husband, Ken. When your husband is a state trooper you choose a different kind of place to shop, so we made our way to Smitty's, the local gun store! I think I might get a part time job there. It is obviously where men hang out. Now if I could just find a man named Tom Smith.Then on to shopping for my birthday present.
With my new deck, obviously the only choice would be found at a nursery.
Calloways provided an Eden and source of too many choices.
My new lemon and lime trees will be perfect additions for my deck. I had no idea that they smelled so wonderful while in bloom. Now we just can't have another freeze though! Otherwise they will be coming inside with us!
When we got home we found Dad cooking! It is still such a shock that I always have to comment on it. Steaks and shrimp for a birthday dinner. Yum! I think this is the longest I have made my birthday last in a long time and I think everyone is tired of it!
They always leave too soon and their leaving produces lots of tears from Grace. She loves Gillian so much and it hurts to lose her each time. For Annabel, it has a different feel because she feels left out once Gillian gets here. So it leaves me trying to explain that it is important for Annabel to find her place within the dynamics and to remember that Darcey also can feel left out. Rather than forcing Grace to change, I do think it is important for Annabel to learn to join groups. While she has friends at school she still feels the outsider. I also explained to Grace the importance of explaining things to Annabel, to help her not feel left out. I know the conversation goes pretty fast, as Gillian can talk up a storm at a high rate of speed, so while Annabel has made great progress in learning English, she does have trouble keeping up, especially with slang.
When I was growing up and my best friend suddenly dropped me for another best friend, I was devastated. Mom's soundly advice was to find someone else who did not have a friend, and be their friend.
I try to impart this wisdom on my girls, but so far not having too much success. I'll keep trying. Also I know their self esteem has to be sound so they do not feel it is necessary to always be part of a group. Even as an adult it hurts to not be part of the "popular" crowd. My crazy friends at one job always said that we were the popular table and everyone else wanted to be with us. It was the only time that I was ever in that group. Still good friends, but still crazy!!!

I don't know how to get rid of this extra copy of this picture, so I just put it at the end!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lisa, Gillian, and Darcey. Annabel woke up very early just in case she misunderstood when they were going to arrive. She woke up Grace who then came in to wake me up to tell me that Annabel woke her up. Thanks!
Annabel has continued to make such huge progress in learning English that she is now able to find songs in English she likes to sing. The only trouble is she truly takes after her mother and cannot get the words right, who was sure the ever famous War song, "Why can't we be friends" actually said, "I get real depressed" and argued vehemently with her older sister on her accuracy.
So as I have mentioned before, Hannah Montana's song, "The Best of Both Worlds" has been for a long time, "It's basketbaaaaaaaallllllllll", which is just as good I guess.
But now she wants to learn more of the words, so I looked up the lyrics so we both could learn them.
So now the line is, "You get the limo out front. Hottest styles, every shoe, every color." In between is a lot of oowa, oowa, yea, yea.
I explained what a limo is and what the phrase the limo out front would mean, what are the hottest styles, and the concept of every shoe, every color.
Then she belts out, "You get the lemon out front. Shoes, every color."
I corrected her to limo, yea, she knows, lemon, no, limo, yea, lemon, no limo, yea lemon. You can see it is a lost cause!
We haven't even tried to learn the next line.
Valentine's is one more of those holidays that we celebrate that is very difficult to explain. I realize it is disdained as a greeting card industry holiday, but the sentiments behind it are sweet - showing your love to others.
But when you are in 5th grade and seem to have a crush on a boy in your class, then Valentines' becomes "eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww".
We were at our local Chinese Buffet at 7:07 pm on Thursday night when I casually asked if they were sure they did not need valentine cards.
Oh yes they did!!!
A quick trip to Tom Thumb provided a new product where the candy and valentines are in one package and thankfully we had a couple of choices that would not make them feel geeky by providing something too childish. Annabel didn't want to be bothered with writing out cards so she chose a bag of suckers.
This child who probably had very little candy in China has definitely developed a taste for it here.
So her bag of 24 suckers came back with almost half of them left so she could have them.
If I had just given her a tub of butter and a loaf of bread she would have been even happier, all things that she deplored when she first arrived.
We continue to learn!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
You know you are getting old when ...
65 degrees outside makes you put on a jacket!
At 66 degrees then you are sweating!
You spend lunch at a grief support luncheon.
Your child who is still learning English tells you what your present is and you think she means a disposal and you get all excited about that. BUT instead you get a new REALLY DEEP sink and you are just as excited!!! And even more important, you want it to stay spotless like it is today!
You get another clock radio to replace the one you accidentally fried, so now you can see what time it is in the middle of the night!
There are 3 messages on your machine at home and you think it is probably well wishers for your birthday and instead they are messages for your 10 year old daughter.
And your knee isn't relieved even by 2 aleve.
Having Tex Mex 2 days in a row makes you worry that you might end up in the hospital!
But you also get to have a Sprinkles double fudge cupcake with a glass of milk after everyone goes to bed, even though you know you are going to have to get up in the middle of the night!! But at least now I will know what time it is!!
I wrote on my Facebook that this is the first time in a long time that I was actually looking forward to my birthday. My life is so good and each day brings new rewards.
My birthday got started early this year.
Mom made me a delicious homemade German Chocolate Cake, my absolute favorite.
But she decided it wasn't up to par, so we got to eat it Monday after a wonderful meal of chicken and dumplings. The girls were a little confused, but hey, delicious cake is appropriate anytime, right?
On Tuesday my co-workers decided we needed to celebrate since we would all be tied up with our big book sale today. And while they tried to surprised me by inviting Mom and Dad to lunch too, my Dad doesn't keep a secret very well. But they took me to one of my absolute favorites, La Calle Doce, so life was so good.
Then about the time I was thinking they couldn't fool me, I get a call for an emergency meeting, which sounded serious. I practically run out of the office into a set up for a surprise party! All our great volunteers and co-workers were there. And another delicious German Chocolate Cake!!!
Annabel surprised me the most with a cute card she made.
The weather forecasters got it right that there was a bad storm coming last night. About the time the girls got settled down and just about asleep, the tornado sirens sounded and hail started pounding the windows. Their room has 6 windows and I couldn't stand for them to be that far from me, so I woke them up and put them in my bed. Just a couple of weeks ago they were able to share a twin bed and Grace and I have shared her twin bed too, but my queen bed suddenly was too small for them. And about the time they finally got settled in and questions about God and storms were covered AGAIN, the storm was through.
So my bed is filled to capacity, the storm is past, so I end up on the couch!
Tonight though Annabel decided that I could give her a kiss good night since it was my birthday. I had told her that in the US that the moms got to get their kids birthday spankings on their birthday, but instead she let me give her 53 hugs and kisses!!
Life is so good!
A morning short
Annabel - "Grace, you are being MEAN to Mommy!"
Grace - "No I'm not. That's how old she is."
Annabel - "But Grace, that's OLD!!"
Happy Birthday to me!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Subjects and simple subjects
We were discussing how far Annabel has come in such a short time and then sometimes I wish I could wave a magic wand on her behalf and speed up the process to make her life easier
I believe you could put me into a foreign country for the rest of my life and I could never have adapted as well as she has. Her English is so good that one teacher "thinks" she can take tests in English. The result was quite amusing. She guessed at the multiple choices, since she really could not read ANY of the questions and made a better grade than those whose primary language is English.
This week I have been helping her with some homework. I know it sounds odd to comment on that, but she has not had any. I'm sure I should have taken the time to help more with her lessons, but she gets so frustrated with herself, then me, and ends up crying and in a terrible mood.
This week she had to pick the subject and simple subject. OK that was really hard and a LOT of tears! I don't think Chinese has subjects and predicates. I could be wrong, but the characters can represent so much more than what it takes us pages to explain!
Then she had a test to take, reading comprehension. I read the passages and the questions to her. It was all about virtual telescopes, hard concept to explain. Anyway, I was shocked at how many she got right! Just listening and she could pick the answer. She also pointed out that it seemed that the majority of the answers were C!
This little bit that I helped with made me appreciate the hard work her reading teacher has done with bringing her this far. I worry constantly about next year for her. I'm not sure how the new school handles kids who need ESL assistance. She really has very little interest in reading or seems not to, but I think she is terribly unsure of herself and feels illiterate as a result. That is why I wish I had a magic wand, to speed up her reading skills and I think the rest would fall into place.
The girls got their report cards and I think for once the grades were actually representative of their abilities. Grace made a 100 in math! Quite an achievement! The rest of her scores were in the 90's. Annabel made all in the 80's. Wow!
Mom made chicken and dumplings for us one night and always takes the extra flour tortillas and fries them to eat along with the dumplings. Annabel LOVES these and asked to take the extras in her lunch. Cold fried tortilla strips does not sound good to me, but a lot of what she has taken doesn't sound good.
She has them in baggie at her place at the table.
While I was preparing breakfast she was packing her lunch.
She could not find her baggie of tortilla strips.
I really think she thought we had hidden them from her.
I suggested she look in her backpack since she had just put some things in there.
She was sure they weren't there and would not look.
I suggested they might be in her room since she had taken some things to put away.
NO WAY would they be there.
Grace finally told her she better go look as I was always right on these things.
Instead Annabel pouted sure that her lunch was ruined.
In the afternoon she came into the kitchen with her baggie of tortilla strips.
Guess where she found them?
Yes, in her room, under the book she had put up.
I am tired of not feeling like myself and lacking energy. Going back to work in addition to mommy work has made for a hard week. It has been so difficult to find food that I can eat and keep down. But I believe I have managed not to lose a pound even without eating!!
We can't wait for spring break next week. I wish our finances were better so we could go and do some things. I realized I am paying about $500 a month on doctor and hospital bills and there is no end in sight yet. This is still trying to pay off Grace's surgery from July and now Annabel's in August and I am making only a minimal payment on each of thousands of bills!
At least Lisa, Gillian, and Darcey are coming for part of the week and we just have fun being together.
My girls continue to amaze me and make my life so wonderful. They have been so conscientious about not letting me do too much and have helped out any way they could, even taking on washing clothes! As far as spring break, they are just fine with staying home. I had promised them a special treat for all the extra things they have had to help with. Grace told me that it was OK, they were glad to do it. I am still restricted on how far I can drive so it has been hard, but they never complain.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Value in the hand of the holder and dogs and decks
But the girls are eating their favorite meal of noodle bowls. Thank goodness someone gave me the idea of "adding" to the noodle bowls and making them healthier. Today was our organic produce day and this week we got fresh kale. It looked like what I had cleaned out of my flower bed at one point, but I washed it and put it in the boiling water into the noodles and the girls had a much healthier meal! Me? I chomped on the delicious celery. I just can't get over how much better organic produce tastes.
Today has been a bit different.
We were sad for Ken and Lisa and their family as they attended the service for Ken's dad, but the funeral was more than 5 hours away and a hard drive considering we would try to return after the service.
Instead Mom and Dad wanted to attend the annual brunch for members of the research studies at UTSW for the Alzheimer's program. The group of doctors are on the cutting edge of understanding the cause of Alzheimer's which will put them that much closer to finding a cure. Mom and Dad are glad they can help, but it is a running joke that they may keep them one of these days.
Grace and Annabel accompanied Mom and Dad and hoped to win a door prize, but no luck. Annabel is still convinced this is her unlucky year. But they enjoyed going and Grace has been several other times, so they got to help with passing out the prizes and drawing the numbers at least.
I on the other hand had to work.
We are having a book sale at work to raise money to buy more books for our library. The first few times we did this we got a fair number of books, but nothing like what we have received this time. So it was decided we would try to make short work of a big project by focusing only on that on a Saturday morning.
The best part was the vast collection of Texana literature that we received which required a specialist's opinion on the value.
Enter a local Cliffite (what you call someone in Oak Cliff) who had some of the most interesting stories and an extensive knowledge of books. It was very interesting learning what he was looking for to help decide value. Books had never been interesting to me until I had Grace. When she was trying to learn to read, we read together every night. When she was finally able to read, then we each would read our own books together before bedtime. Now to see these very interesting first edition Texana books has really piqued my interest. But even if they are first edition and even autographed, there is not enough to retire on, barely enough to buy new books. I'm sure there are some that are valuable, but as Fred explained, value is in the hand of the holder.
Value in the hand of the holder.
I like that. I know I have two of the most valuable people I have ever met and now they are my daughters.
The deck and our dogs.
Before our deck was complete, we all had to try it out. It is SO high!! our yard is on such an incline that is not noticeable until you add something like this on the back.
It's a pretty good jump to the ground.
The first time we let our dogs out it caused a great deal of confusion.
Our dogs, Nina and Ollie, were "adopted". If you have children who are adopted this is not the appropriate phrase to use, because when you really should get rid of the dogs you can't because they are "adopted" and if you would get rid of dogs, horrors that you would consider getting rid of your children.
I had to have my long time dog Buster put to sleep the day before Thanksgiving a year ago. Then when Lisa came for Thanksgiving and shopping the day after, we made the mistake of stopping at the SPCA adoption center in the mall.
There are display on a leash in the mall was Ollie.
Now Ollie is a cute dog. Looks like a white mixed terrier with a black head and black saddle or skirt, whatever you call it. He has a pleasant face and is a good dog. But hidden inside the display was Nina. Nina is much smaller and seems to either have problems with PMS or menopause. Thankfully with meds she is much calmer now.
But neither dog will be in the Westminster Kennel Show or any competitions for skill.
So here are the dogs on the deck that requires several steps to get down and they look over the side, glance at the steps, and then just dive off the deck sailing toward a notorious squirrel who has the nerve to cross into their territory.
After a while they are ready to come back in.
Ollie and Nina run under the deck looking for the concrete stairs. They both run back out again perplexed that the stairs no longer go to the door.
We call to them from the top of the steps.
They run back under the deck.
We call them.
They run out from under the deck and circle the new stairs.
They go back toward the tree, get a running start and run directly under the deck, like a little extra steam will get them up those concrete stairs to us.
They come back from under the deck.
Finally Annabel and Grace get on the stairs and call to them.
Meanwhile Ollie is at one end of the deck jumping up as high as he can trying to figure out how to get back up to us.
Nina is back under the deck.
Finally Ollie gets it and runs to the stairs. Slowly he begins to climb and finally is back on top. Nina is making bigger circles under the stairs waiting for the magic door to open.
We have to pick her up and carry her up the stairs.
This has happened almost every time they have gone out. It is so funny and they are so upset and cannot believe that we are in a different dimension than them.
We love practicing our twirling around on the new deck. It is so much fun and we cannot wait to take fun advantage of it. I promise to add pictures soon.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
No idea!
Wow! What a great surprise! Something like this is the best gift of all!!
I also found a strange car (actually a truck) in my driveway, but soon realized that my longed for deck was being built!
Since our house used to be a duplex, there were just two small sets of concrete stairs outside of the back doors. And for so many nights, I have wished there was a place to sit down and just think, take a breath, look at the stars, listen to the neighbor's fiesta, etc., but now I will soon have that place! Yippee!!
Last night Annabel was pretty bummed out because she had homework.
I asked what was the assignment.
"No idea!"
I had not realized how often I said that phrase until it is now repeated on a regular basis back to me. And it doesn't matter how many different ways you phrase your question, you are going to get the same answer, so we head into homework that she does not have any idea how to do or what to do, but knows it is math.
So I look to Grace for help.
Grace rattles off something about weight and length, but she can't remember what the third thing is. I'm not even sure I know what the first two things are. So I ask again and ask to see where they wrote down their assignment. Oh no need, since it was memorized!!
Something about household items, volume, capacity, and measurements.
So is the homework about measuring things?
Not really.
I decided I owe Mom and Dad a lot more for all the times they have helped with homework.
With a few more "no ideas" the assignment was completed.
I have "no idea" what kind of grade she will get though!
All I can do is worry about how things will be next year.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lunch with Annabel
But whenever there is something good for dinner, the first question from Annabel is whether she can take some in her lunch.
Last night Mom made her trademark goulash.
Oh boy, Annabel wanted to know if she could take some in her lunch.
Now Mom and I know that she does not have access to a microwave, so the thought of room temperature goulash does not sound good to us, but of course Grandmom agreed.
So we went through all of our butter tubs and assorted plastic containers looking for just the right size to hold a lunch size portion of goulash.
But Annabel decided she also wanted to take the left over cabbage.
So this is what Annabel packed for lunch today:
1. Plastic container of goulash, heated in the microwave this morning, but expected to be cold again by lunch.
2. Plastic container of cabbage, again heated in the microwave, but expected to be cold, but definitely has the smell of cooked cabbage!
3. A baggie of hot Cheetos.
4. A candy cane.
5. The last few pieces of gummy strawberry candy from the Chinese store.
Well a lunch as good as that draws some attention, so Grace convinces her to pack some goodies for her too. So Grace added in:
1. One baggie of hot Cheetos.
2. A serving of seaweed.
It was all so good that it would no longer fit in her cute little purse that my friend Lori gave her. Now it is in a large, economy plastic Wal Mart bag.
Monday, February 2, 2009
As time goes by....
His mom died less than a year ago.
Both were hard working people. His father, once he left the corporate world, moved to the Hill Country and ran a produce stand. Seems like a nice life to me.
But in the end cancer took him and way too soon.
Last Monday was the funeral of a woman that I have known for the majority of my life. She and her sisters gave Mom a shower before Jana was born. That was a long time ago. After her husband died she found a new life in hobbies and friends and getting out and going. She came to our bingo game every Monday. She lived life to the fullest up to the last minute. It was hard to see that empty seat today at bingo.
Our bingo caller has been out for almost a month. She has been very ill. She had cancer in 1956 that no one thought she could recover from, but she had young children and knew she had to. She is one of the hardest working people I know.
One of our strong supporters had very serious surgery today. While he recuperates though, it leaves his wife with no one to help her get in and out of her wheelchair.
Yesterday was my 10 year anniversary at my job. That's the longest I have ever worked in one job for the same company. Some days are harder than others. Some days it is really difficult to leave the worries and concerns for those I work with and for at the job. As time passes more of the people I have met are gone, or their bodies give up, or even worse, their minds do.
But then I come home.
Tonight I had my Tigger and Pooh, my yin and my yang, around the dining room table working on a book for school. They were laughing and talking and working together to achieve their goal.
With them I have a future.
Mom and I were discussing how different my life would have been if I had married either of the last two men I dated. Each had children from relationships that happened long before I knew them, yet I know that my future would have been dictated by those children and their mothers if I had married either.
Wow! when those relationships ended I certainly didn't think it would be good without them, but instead, it has been better!
Monday mornings
I wake up with Grace sitting on my bed, talking to me. It's almost like she is mid sentence and I finally realize that she is talking and then she asks me what I think. Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't understand, could you say it again?
In the background Annabel is singing a song, probably one she does not know the words to so is just making sounds, kind of like meow, meow, meow.
Since we only have one can of soup and I had some bacon leftover, I thought I would make rice with bacon and vegetables.
Everyone sits poised at the table in eager anticipation for the rice cooker to switch to done, ready, even though it takes at least 20 minutes to cook. The entire time Annabel is still singing her song, only louder and throwing a few questions to me in between, Grace is coughing, sneezing, and blowing her nose, and I am trying to remember if that was 3 or 4 scoops of coffee.
Annabel announces that she will only eat a little of the rice since she is sure she does not like it and then quickly refills her bowl for seconds, maybe thirds if she had enough time in between singing and asking questions.
Grace just looks at me with a pained expression so I can fully understand how badly she is feeling.
Then when it is time to go, Annabel races to the door, singing, dancing, and waving good bye.
I stand there telling Grace to "HURRY!" because Poppa is waiting to take them.
"Hurry" must not translate even after 4 years of knowing English, because it is still a foreign concept to Grace. She slowly and methodically pulls on her jacket, ensuring that the sleeves are the exact length on each arm, adjusting her hair, and then pulling on her coat and going through the same process again.
In the meantime, in the car is Annabel and Poppa. By now I am sure that Dad's ears are pounding with the singing and questions and he is knowing they are going to be late, when Grace finally saunters out, after stopping to kiss me good bye.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
You little sunburn! and pillows
One summer I had a large class of rowdies, maybe 2nd graders? Anyway, one day a little girl was sobbing her heart out. Still being in my teens it was great that I knew EVERYTHING! So I was going to resolve this issue.
I put my arm around her and asked her what was wrong. She told me the little boy at her table had called her "a little sunburn".
I have no idea how I kept from laughing, especially since this child had probably never had a sunburn, but it has stuck with me how delicate a child's ego can be when denounced by another. It's also a trademark expression that Lisa and I still exchange showing contempt for someone, "You little Sunburn!!!".
Last night after getting everyone settled into bed, or so I thought, Grace came to tell me that Annabel was crying under her covers.
Earlier in the day I told her about the report I had received regarding her development before adopting her and how accurate the information had been. It reported that she liked to play outside, liked small animals, and not too fond of school. She wanted to see the report, so I had shown her.
I am never sure how protective to be of my daughters and their past, not to ignore their beginnings, but not to focus on it either. I know it brings up lots of memories that sometimes can result in tears late at night when it is quiet and they start thinking about things.
But I was wrong this time. It was FAR worse!!
I was afraid she was missing China, but instead, she and Grace had discussed the fact that Grace had 3 pillows and Annabel only had 2. Grace's response had been that she was lucky, according to Annabel, which of course implies that Annabel is not. Luck must be an important quality in China.
So now it was a BIG deal that she was still short a pillow.
I love it when I can solve something easily.
Of course she could have another pillow. I told her she could have one from my bed.
It meant a lot to me that she chose my pillow and then dumped the others on the floor. I guess just having it is the important point.
But when you are this upset it sometimes takes even more. I volunteered to sleep with her but she said I was too big. Maybe she needs the Dale Carnegie course on how to win friends and influence people.
Annabel announced that she wanted Grace to sleep with her.
Grace looked at me pleading, but I felt it was important that Annabel wanted her and it seemed the perfect payback since I had spent a LOT of nights recently in Grace's bed.
Somehow in swapping beds it was decided I should sleep in Grace's.
But first, there was a need for a story, a first time request from Annabel.
So we each climbed into our newly assigned beds and I told a story that ended with the 2 little girls needing to go to sleep! I finally got permission to leave, but Grace told me she stuck it out until 3:00 a.m.
Today has been quiet except for the bursts of coughing and sneezing from Grace. We stayed home and Annabel went with her grandparents to church. I think we have had almost 12 hours straight of Disney TV and I might be close to insanity.
I have to be at work tomorrow, so I hope it has paid off staying in and being quiet all weekend.