The forecast for today included rain and freezing rain, but no accumulation on trees and streets, so no concern about power outages, etc.
Well at work today the power went out and when you work in an office with no windows, it is REALLY dark. And if you work at a hospital any power outage seems LONG!
On the way home I was shocked to see the trees covered with ice! Many bent down with branches broken. It was nasty.
So the girls spent the day being rather lazy at Mom and Dad's. Bedtime was early in preparation of getting back to school tomorrow.
Before we went to China I paid to have a camera sent to her to take pictures. She finished up the camera after we arrived and it has been sitting around since we got home. I finally took it to Walgreens last week while they had $.10 per picture developing. In one of them, Annabel turned the camera on herself and snapped her picture. Of course it came out distorted and made her face appear "HUGE". She cannot seem to get over this and continues to talk about the picture of her HUGE head.
So last night while painting my nails, she grabbed the camera and made some pictures to show her "client" (me) other parts of her life that were HUGE!
Here is her HUGE mouse (mouth)!
Here is her HUGE bread!
Here is her HUGE dog Ollie!
What a goofball!
Clearly she is following in the footsteps of her Aunt Lisa, but it appears she has aways to go. ;)
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