Saturday, January 31, 2009

My guilty pleasure and Confucius, two completely unrelated topics

100 years ago I had a car accident, where the truck ran a stop sign and I swerved to avoid being crushed underneath him, only to find myself sailing through the air, Dukes of Hazzard style, and landing in a field. I was carried out on a board and ever since have had issues with my back, especially with small repetitive movements.

This is my excuse as to why housework is difficult for me.

It's as good a reason as any not to want to clean house, I think.

So my guilty pleasure for the last few months has been to have a cleaning crew come once a month to clean house.

It is the one time during the entire month that every floor is clean, every mirror is polished, every sink is hygienic with no trace of toothpaste, and the beds are all made.

This lasts approximately, well, that depends, on how quickly the girls get in and the dogs make a mess. So for this brief moment, I am in my CLEAN house enjoying the smell of clean, I've locked the dogs in the backyard and Annabel and Grace are at their grandparents.


In my previous life I would have spent this money on maybe a facial, or a pedicure, or maybe even a massage! Now I am so thrilled to have a clean house I've decided it can be my one and only vice, or excess, or guilty pleasure.

My time in this nirvana is almost over.

The dogs are barking madly and Annabel and her Poppa are outside the door!

Oh well, back to reality.

The deadline for getting the paperwork into the new school, North Hills is February 1.

I gathered all of our paperwork and took it to the school, fearing our postal system would let me down. I was sure I would be greeted with a warm welcome and congratulations on beating the deadline. Instead the secretary told me she would put it in the person's mail box, thanks.

Maybe it was her off day or everyone had bugged her with these applications. I hope!!

If I believed in Confucius, then I would be sure the "gods" were angry with me and showing their superiority to me, as I bragged one too many times about all of us staying well. The girls got out early yesterday or I am sure I would have gotten a call from the school to pick up Grace. She has her usual sinus infection that quickly goes into her chest and gets worse. She has enjoyed laying on her grandparents couch watching a record number of TV shows, falling into slumber from the high dosage of benadryl to help dry up the yuck.

This has left Annabel with nothing to do and very bored.

Yesterday afternoon I took Annabel to the grocery store. I guess it was the first time that we had done this together. I realize that Grace has to be the one to carry the conversation or just that go-between as Annabel and I continue to work our way into a relationship. I have realized a change where she is no longer a "guest" but becoming part of the family, carving her own little niche. I would never have thought it was possible to adopt a child from China who could be so much like my dad, but Annabel is very similar, in taste, personality, behavior. It is amazing.

Annabel and I had a good time at the store though and she enjoyed being the center of my attention. I know you are supposed to set aside time with each child to give them your attention and I have great intentions of doing that, but so far it rarely happens.

Annabel is still small enough that she grabbed the front of the cart and I whizzed her through the store, only to be stopped every few feet by either a crowd (what was that all about?) or someone we knew. Yet we successfully purchased our short list and came home to find that Grace had slept the whole time we were gone. Of course then she could not sleep last night and as I dozed off could hear her up in their room. My body just had to give up last night and I was out before the girls for once.

On Thursday at piano, I apologized tot he teacher that Grace had not practiced. It had been a crazy week, especially for me, as last Friday our office and everything else in the lobby of the hospital was under water. Then on Wednesday to have a snow day really threw off our routine.

But Grace sat down and played beautifully as if she had spent hours each day laboring on the keys to achieve perfection. She really seems to have an ability and I hope she will continue to develop it.

I continue to fight off a sinus infection knowing I have a Z pack of antibiotics ready for when I can no longer fight the infection. But while I have a chance to let my body heal itself, I think I should.

You have to love Texas weather, when you have ice and snow on Tuesday through Thursday and then on Saturday, it is 68 and sunny!

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