Monday, November 24, 2008



I keep trying to write about all the other things that happened today but it is hard to ignore that this was Jana's birthday.

When she was younger she would present a list at Halloween of things she would like for her birthday.

She, like Lisa, though regularly had their birthdays on Thanksgiving. Of all the holidays, that is really not a fun one to share your birthday with. Especially since for a lot of those years we would go camping. When we camped it usually also would rain and the weather would become miserable. Yuck!

I really don't know what the protoccol is so we went to CiCis Pizza, the dollar store, and the shoe store we shared so many times.

I won't apologize for being sad. It is still difficult.

The girls were out of school today and looked forward to playing bingo with my older adults at work. You just have to chuckle over the idea of these two little girls competing with all the older people at bingo. They are equally as competitive

After work we had to find shoes that had toes in them. For one thing it is too chilly to wear sandals and secondly their sandals are worn out.

I think we tried on every single pair. Children's shoes seem to be sized at random. By the time we actually found some that fit I had quit looking at the prices and was shocked when the total came up.

My favorite part of Cici's is the cinammony dessert bread.

I had tried to convince Annabel to try it but she was sure it tasted eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww, but tonight tried a tiny bite, broke into a smile, and had 2 more pieces.

She is getting so excited about Christmas. We started at the dollar store to buy some decorative things for them to make this week.

We are so excited that GG and Darcey are coming tomorrow. They get to stay until Friday! Woo! Hoo! I realized that have not been here since August. I think they will be surprised at how much Annabel has learned in the meantime.

Tonight we had to go back through the mom at the foot of the bed to assure safety to go to sleep. Bless her heart! I hope she doesn't do my record setting 2 week stint on Lisa's bedroom floor from being scared of the movie The Exorcist!


lisa said...

Today was hard for me too. I shared my birthday with Jana for so many years. And for quite a few of them she managed to have some life altering event going on...getting married, getting married again in a formal ceremony, adopting Darcey...I can't even remember all of them. Now, sadly, her life altering event took her from us and it will never be the same. Somehow birthdays just aren't the same. Before I cry at my desk at school I'll change topics.

Jer - only you could have this crazy of an experience at a play. Seriously, only you. And the parental units getting lost? Guess we better get Dad that GPS unit for Christmas!!

Holly said...

Oh Jerri (and Lisa)- What a sad day to pass through. Take a moment and look again at that picture of Jana at Darcy's wedding. Frame it. Smile as you pass it. I never knew Jana, but that photo truly captures a beautiful part of her. My heart honestly hurts at the thought of your loss. I cannot imagine. Lisa-Happy birthday(ish)! Jerri-Never apologize for being sad. Keep your emotions real and honest and you will be well. Truly. Believe it. Lots of love from Colorado, Holly

Marcie said...

Dang it you all... I got past the month of November without being sad, and now that I am catching up on Jerri's blog, I'm tearing up! Way to go!