Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lemonade stand

This girls were so excited last night about the possibilities for today that I wasn't sure if they would ever get to sleep. They priced their product, everything from ice (which cost extra) to raspberry lemonade. They ended up with very favorable results, especially thanks to neighbors and members of RECPTA who made the trip just to help support their cause. They also had someone donate on line and another friend donate after hearing about their project. They ended up with $55. This will go a long way to purchasing chewable vitamins and digital thermometers, two important items that are desperately needed. They felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, as they should have! I was very impressed. They are trying to determine if they could set it up again tomorrow and sell pictures they draw. If I'm not careful, they will be selling furniture out of the house!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

That lemonade was awesome. They did a fantastic job! Way to go girls!