Thursday, July 31, 2008

People we have met.

Thursday morning while having breakfast we met a family who had returned with their 10 year old daughter for their first trip back to China. They were heading to the foster mother's home. Their daughter is the only other child I have met named Hong Hao, which is due to the Holt Agency providing support. They learn a lot of background on Grace's Chinese foster mother, as she has recommended her friend to become a foster mother, and she ended up being their daughter's.In fact Grace's foster mother had helped me locate this girl's foster mother. Grace took all this info very quietly.

Their guide is named Kathy, who works for Holt here in China. She knew Grace and Annie because both have at one time or another been sponsored by Holt. Small world.

At the swimming pool we met a new father, 12 month old son, who had just adopted 17 month old twin girls! Wow! That family grew in a hurry!

Another couple came by while we were swimming. The poor new mom looked exhausted and had new baby strapped on her front. She explained their daughter would not go near the daddy, screaming hysterically. She was not even able to take a shower. I told her that was very normal for them to prefer one or ther other. She seemed so relieved. I wish I could have babysat for her long enough to get some rest.

Actually I would like to have a baby sitter so I could get some shopping done. Wan Yun has quit being interested in buying clothes, so she has maybe 2 pairs pants/shorts? This morning she had nothing that would fit, as everything was dirty. She finally agreed on some striped shorts that were huge and Gillian's old Gattis Kinder Gator T shirt. We make such a motley crew!

We went to the People's Park tonight, which is so pretty, then ate at as local restaurant. The food was delicious. Guilan, the guide, ordered for us. She kept trying to get us some fish but they didn't have what she wanted. We finally settled on chicken. She asked if I minded it being the way the locals ate it. I must say I was not expecting the feet, beak, etc, sticking out of the bowl. Then the fish finally came and Wan Yun wanted the head! Oh my goodness! But the food was delicious! That and a vegetable, rice, and a huge sprite for 80 RMB, which is a little over $10!

I want to get some pictures posted before I fall asleep, so more later.

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